This innovative mental health service has been made possible by funding from the Gold Coast Primary Health Network.

We know how hard it is to get mental health services on the ground for some people and we have worked with your Gold Coast Primary Health Network (GCPHN) to help deliver these services to your community. Services in the right place, provided in the right manner at the right time.

What’s more these services are

  • FREE
  • Easy to access
  • Available to people in their own time and space
  • Delivered directly to people via a channel of their choice (Text, video, or audio)

This innovative service has been designed to cater to the mental well-being needs of Gold Coast schools, clubs, workplaces, and communities that have been affected by the recent flooding events. However, we acknowledge that the floods may be only part of the problem or may have exacerbated existing issues for you and we are here to help regardless.

Text Sessions: Through text-based sessions (SMS, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp), people can openly share their thoughts and emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of their mental health needs.

Video Sessions: A personalized touch can make all the difference. Video sessions provide a warm and comforting space for people to connect with our qualified mental health professionals.

Audio Sessions:  In the comfort of their space, people can speak freely about their concerns during our audio sessions, creating a safe and confidential environment for healing.

Booking Made Easy

All that people need to do is scan the relevant QR code below or send a text, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp message to 0481 614 647 (text line only) and they are connected to Virtual Psychologist. Appointments available between 9am – 6pm (Monday- Friday) and 9am- midday (Saturday) subject to availability, scan QR codes below to check for session availability.

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Our Partners

We provide innovative mental health services by qualified mental health practitioners to those people in need.